From: raster@highfiber.com (Charles Dye) Subject: (urth) Beans and other pollutants Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 09:11:35 [Posted from URTH, a mailing list about Gene Wolfe's New Sun and other works] CRCulver@aol.com writes: >In _Shadow_, chapter XXXV, there is the tale of the woman who brings black >beans from the stars. This woman threatens to cast them into the sea unless >she were obeyed. The lords of the time "a hundred times more complete in >their dominion than [the] Autarch...had her seized and torn to bits." >This story seems, in my opinion, to show the planting of the black hole in >the Old Sun. I think that the sea mentioned is not Ocean but rather >Oroborus(sp?), which is outer space. The lords, I think, are the monarchs, >because they were more powerful and had a larger empire than those of the >autarchy. Thus, the black hole was put into the sun because of the tyranny of >the monarchs. I had interpreted this as the arrival of Abaia, Erebus, Arioch, and company. (Like Baldanders, we're told, they grow ....) Still, perhaps the one is symbolic of the other? >There is an alternative interpretation of this story. Jonas mentions that >this happens before the city was called Nessus, because "the river" was not >yet poisoned. Perhaps the black beans that the woman brought from the stars >were simply a device used to poison Gyoll. >I would like to know the etymology of 'Nessus' and what relation it has to >poison. Nessus, if I recall aright, was a centaur murdered by way of a poisoned cloak. (Larry Niven's "Ringworld" includes puppeteers named Nessus and Chiron.) As for the poisoning of the river, I don't see anything terribly mysterious there. Gyoll is both the sewer and the drinking- water source for a very large city. The city climbs the river as the lower reaches become too polluted to sustain even the most desperately poor. raster@highfiber.com