From: m.driussi@genie.com Subject: (urth) VRT=Enkidu Date: Wed, 20 May 98 23:38:00 GMT Robert Borski, Hey, fwiw =I= like it. Gee, all this twinning has got me to thinking that 5HC has a lot of Gilgamesh to it, which I'd never thought of before. (Okay, this is probably trivial, but: Number 5, our hero, is the urban Gilgamesh, destroying his town with his perversions; VRT is the wild boy Enkidu, lured into civilization by the hunter, Dr. Marsh, to the point where he can't go back; in this version they don't become pals and offset each other's quirks, they just keep on going in their messed up ways . . . although, hey, VRT goes to jail on account of Number 5, doesn't he? Hmmm.) "Victor Roy" looks to mean "conquering king" (the "V" by itself is also Roman numeral five). "Trenchard," I dunno--it is a real name, of course, but I don't know what it means. "Ditch-digger" or something equally "cutting"? =mantis= *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/