From: "Dan'l Danehy Oakes" <DDANEHYO@us.oracle.com> Subject: (urth) "Trenchard" Date: 22 May 98 08:51:05 Tony Ellis wrote: > As for the significance of Trenchard... a trencher is, of > course, a wooden or ceramic platter, and significantly the > word comes from the French trenchoir. Would that make a > trenchard some sort of serving man, a medieval plate- > carrier? Just a thought. _Trencheior_ or _trenchier_, actually; a medieval French verb now obsolete in either form. (May come from trinicare, a later Vulgar Latin verb meaning 'to cut or divide in three,' but that's not attested.) The verb meant 'to cut,' and is also the root for "trenchant." Given the -ard suffix, I would guess that "trenchard" means something like "person from the trench." Not very helpful, I know. --Roach *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/