From: "Robert Borski" <rborski@coredcs.com> Subject: (urth) Re: VRTs Time in Jail Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 00:54:14 Sean/prion: Re your assertions following: "It's unknown how much time passed after that and when the case was photocopied and assembled. When it was finished, it was a year before the junior officr receives it (who knows what has been done with it in the meantime). This gives him at least around three years to obtain this position..." We differ a whole lot on how much time has passed since VRT has been arrested. Note the cover letter that accompanies VRT's case file--it's dated *almost a year past.* Note as well the following from p.240, which quotes from the same cover letter: "The prisoner, who states his identity as John V. Marsch, arrived here April 2nd last year and was arrested *June 5th of the current year* in connection with the murder of a GSPB Class AA Correspondent Espion in this city." This figures at a maximum to be a year-and-a-half (although I grant you Annese years are longer). The "current" year mentioned means it's still somewhere between June 5th and December 31st, and if the letter is dated "almost a year past" (i.e., *almost* a year after whatever date it is between 6-5 and 12-31), the time span we're talking about could be anywhere from as little as a year to just over a year-and-a-half. How long do you think Jeannine and David searched for Maitre's money before David went to Port Mimizon--surely, a house as big as the Maison du Chien would take a while. To say nothing of the court actions and reading of the will that deprived David of any inheritance. So then he goes to the capital, enlists and becomes a junior officer with the authority to judge criminal cases in, what, maybe a year or less? Clearly, this is not the military I remember. And thus at least this aspect of your argument I don't buy. Robert Borski *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/