From: "Tony Ellis" <tony.ellis@futurenet.co.uk> Subject: (urth) Some seraph. Some pin. Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 10:44:34 +0100 Robert Borski wrote: > Go to http://www.babyzone.com/babynames/namesearch.htm and enter Karina in > the search field. You'll get three different listings, all of which claim > Karina is a variant of Katherine. > > I also find your "If it's not on the web, it can't be true" approach > somewhat scary for a man of your intelligence. > Oooooooh, you cheeky thing, you. Now when did I -ever- say "If it's not on the web, it can't be true"? I merely cited supporting evidence. I'm inclined to respond that the tactic of putting words into your opponents' mouths is somewhat scary coming from a man of -your- intelligence. As another example of supporting evidence, have you tried entering "Carina" into the search field of your Web site? You'll get four different listings, none of which claim Carina is a variant of Katherine at all. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/