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From: Michael Straight <straight@email.unc.edu>
Subject: Re: (urth) re: Messianic
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 15:53:43 

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Tony Ellis wrote:

> As I understand it, what we see of Sev's Conciliator career
> is just the start. He can travel the Corridors of time, so
> he can pop back any time he likes to visit pre-deluge Urth,
> and we're given at least two clear hints that he does.
> Dorcas, asked by Sev about the Conciliator, says that he
> used to appear and disappear unexpectedly. And then Sev says
> of the Chowder Pot:
> "Often I have dreamed of going back, and perhaps sometime I
> shall. Certainly more guests came to our aid when Zama broke
> our door  than there were any reason to expect, and I would
> like to think that one or even several of them were myself.
> Indeed it sometimes seems to me that I caught a glimpse of
> my own face in the candlelight that night." Urth XXXII.

This is cool, but doesn't really address my point, which I didn't make
clear, so here it is again.  It's not so much that there isn't enough
quantity to Sev's career as Conciliator, but that the quality that seems
lacking.  What's he going to do, other than wander around healing people
and turning water to wine that will make him such a mythic figure?  Not
that miracles aren't notable, but most of the world's religious figures
are remembered for something more than a bunch of magic tricks.


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