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From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Nicholas=20Gevers?= <vermoulian@yahoo.com>
Subject: (urth) The Ziggurat in context
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 12:34:54 

Nutria, I'm afraid I'll have to delay my detailed take
on "The Ziggurat" until I've finished another, rather
vexatious critical chore; but you're quite right that
my ST review will only appear in print some time off
(in FOUNDATION), so here's a general comment. It seems
to me that the stories in ST were selected with a
theme in common, that of escape. The world must be
escaped or transcended; but the escape routes are
many, and only one (the route to Heaven) is a true
path. The rest are snares, roads to damnation and
disaster. Emory's route is one such: self-indulgence,
an impulse to dominate. It may make him feel in charge
of his destiny for a while, but read in comparison
with the trends of the other stories, it won't lead
anywhere good.
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