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From: Michael Andre-Driussi <mantis@sirius.com>
Subject: (urth) Re: Evan B. and Enan B.
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 19:03:47 

Adam wrote:
>Here's something on "The Haunted Boardinghouse," which I had intended to
>post earlier but never got around to.  In your excellent post on the
>similarities between THB and LITTLE, BIG, there was one you missed,
>iirc.  The protagonist of THB is named Enan Bradford.  Smoky Barnable's
>real first name, with which he signs his letter to Santa, is Evan
>("Letters to Santa, II, 4, p. 166 of the Bantam trade paperback). So the
>protagonists are Evan Barnable and Enan Bradford.

Page 193 in a Bantam paperback.  Hey, that =is= spooky!

The full name on that page is "Evan S. Barnable": remind me, was his dad
named Evan?  Do we have evidence that his dad called him Smoky, and that
Smoky is what the "S" stands for; or is Smoky just his hippie handle?
(When I think of his family I just remember his five uncles and the way he
and his dad would move from one uncle's house to the other . . . states
beginning with the letter I, that whole thing.)


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