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From: William Ansley <wansley@warwick.net>
Subject: (urth) Who Wants to be a Torturer? (was Quotehunt)
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 23:43:56 

Is that your final answer? Sorry. Ooooh, you were so close!

The correct answer is:

"In the final reckoning there is only love, only that divinity. That 
we are capable only of being what we are remains our unforgivable 

But you still get some lovely parting gifts. <g>

William Ansley

At 2:06 PM -0400 7/5/00, Robert King wrote:
>I think it's at the very end of Claw, in the scene where Jolenta dies.
>As I recall, it goes something like: "In the end there is only love, only
>that divinity. That we are capable of being only what we are remains our
>unforgivable sin."
>Believe it or not, I used the line when I had to give my speech as the
>valedictorian in high school. I figured Severian was a cooler reference
>than Polonius ("to thine own self be true," yadda yadda yadda). Damned if
>I can remember what context I placed it in, though.
>-- Bob
>On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Alex David Groce wrote:
>>  Ok, I'm trying to find where in New Sun Severian says something roughly
>>  like "Our one unforgivable sin is that we remain capable only of being
>  > what we are."  I can't find it anywhere, and I'm not sure I have the
>>  phrasing correct.  Anyone remember this?

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