From: "Adam Stephanides" <adamsteph@earthlink.net> Subject: (urth) Borges and PEACE Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 04:38:50 +0800 -----Original Message----- From: Dan <meliza@OCF.Berkeley.EDU> Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 11:54:44 -0700 (PDT) > I don't know what the consensus is on the ending of the novel, but I > took Weer's remark about waking, in the context of the Chinese garden > dream, to mean either that he is at last waking to a higher, more > realized existence (as in the Borges tale - I forget the title - of > the man who dies and only after a series of nightmares realizes that > he has in fact been in heaven all along) This doesn't ring a bell with me, and I've read Borges' collected stories (though it could have just slipped my mind). The closest thing to it I can think of is a story Borges took from Swedenborg (it appeared in The Universal History of Infamy and in the Borges co-edited Book of Fantasy, iirc), which I'd mentioned on this list before. But in that story the dead man is in hell, not heaven. --Adam -- _______________________________________________ Get your free email from http://webmail.earthlink.net *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/