From: "Alice K. Turner"Subject: Re: (urth) Watts, presentiments, eponyms Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2002 20:03:09 -0500 I'm not quite sure what the context is for reprinting this. It's a famous old Anglican hymn. I'm a heathen now, but I was brought up as an Episcopalian/Anglican and I will staunchly say that our music is the best--aside from a few early items by designer names (Bach, Handel etc.) and some fabulous gospel, mostly Baptist, I suppose, we win hands down for music. This one is sort of a drone, but an effective drone. Wolfe is RC; this doesn't count for him,. Alice > Isaac Watts Psalm 90 > Part 1. > Man frail, and God eternal. > > 1 Our God, our help in ages past, > Our hope for years to come, > Our shelter from the stormy blast, > And our eternal home. > > 2 Under the shadow of thy throne > Thy saints have dwelt secure; > Sufficient is thine arm alone, > And our defense is sure. > > 3 Before the hills in order stood, > Or earth received her frame, > From everlasting thou art God, > To endless years the same. > > 4 Thy word commands our flesh to dust, > "Return, ye sons of men:" > All nations rose from earth at first, > And turn to earth again. > > 5 A thousand ages in thy sight > Are like an ev'ning gone; > Short as the watch that ends the night > Before the rising sun. > > 6 [The busy tribes of flesh and blood, > With all their lives and cares, > Are carried downwards by the flood, > And lost in following years. > > 7 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, > Bears all its sons away; > They fly, forgotten, as a dream > Dies at the op'ning day. > > 8 Like flowery fields the nations stand > Pleased with the morning light; > The flowers beneath the mower's hand > Lie with'ring ere 'tis night.] > > 9 Our God, our help in ages past, > Our hope for years to come, > Be thou our guard while troubles last, > And our eternal home. --