From: "Andrew Bollen"Subject: (urth) Scylla & Oreb Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 22:28:57 +0800 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0371_01C1E728.6E1BFA80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Forgive a newbie for rehashing old hash, but the archives are a bit = chaotic on Scylla & Oreb. Is this a plausible reading: Scylla possesses Oreb at the very beginning of NTLS, just as Silk is = about sacrifice him (her?): ' "No, no," the night chough muttered, as it had in the market. And = then, "Please, no." ... A last strangled half-human cry echoed ... and = the wretched night chough went limp ...' I think the possession happens between the (animal) "No, no", and the = (downloaded Scylla) "Please, no." A small shift in the voice ("please" = is *almost* multi-syllabic) marks an important transition in the story - = a deft, Wolfean touch. Stuffing Scylla into the Oreb's tiny brain brings the bird down. We know = that the Window in the Manteion is semi-functional (Kypris mentions this = to Silk at Orchid's), and that possession can take place without a = visual manifestation. Why does Scylla download herself into such a poor vessel - a bird about = to be sacrificed? Because she was in extremis, pursued by Pas, with no = other choice (but then why not into one of the humans present? Dunno!). Oreb recovers in Silk's absence. Some part of Scylla's fear (she is a = terrified, pursued child, after all) causes Oreb to hide on top of = cupboard, where Silk discovers him/her. Henceforward the bird, = previously a terrified animal, becomes a companion with a personality - = childlike in many ways. Why does the repellant Scylla become likeable within Oreb? Because she = is with Silk, who of course "brings out the best" in many repellant = characters - Auk, Hyacinth, Pig etc - at least while he is with them. = Horn's judgements of Scylla (perhaps she would grow out of it) and Oreb = (a nasty, mangy creature) at the very end of the tale are germane.=20 The Scylla who possesses Chenille is a different proposition. I = interpret this Scylla as a "backup" personality, cached before Pas' = resurgence, and therefore unchastened and "un-Silked", seeking to return = now to Mainfram to "reintegrate". Or do I have I crocked this up = completely? -- ------=_NextPart_000_0371_01C1E728.6E1BFA80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Forgive a newbie for rehashing old = hash, but the=20 archives are a bit chaotic on Scylla & Oreb. Is this a plausible=20 reading:Scylla possesses Oreb at the very = beginning of=20 NTLS, just as Silk is about sacrifice him (her?):' "No, no," the night chough muttered, = as it had in=20 the market. And then, "Please, no." ... A last strangled half-human cry = echoed=20 ... and the wretched night chough went limp ...'I think the possession happens between = the (animal)=20 "No, no", and the (downloaded Scylla) "Please, no." A small shift in the = voice=20 ("please" is *almost* multi-syllabic) marks an important transition in = the story=20 - a deft, Wolfean touch.Stuffing Scylla into the Oreb's tiny = brain brings=20 the bird down. We know that the = Window in=20 the Manteion is semi-functional (Kypris mentions this to Silk at = Orchid's), and=20 that possession can take place without a visual = manifestation.Why does Scylla download herself into = such a poor=20 vessel - a bird about to be sacrificed? Because she was in extremis, = pursued by=20 Pas, with no other choice (but then why not into one of the humans = present?=20 Dunno!).Oreb recovers in Silk's absence. Some = part of=20 Scylla's fear (she is a terrified, pursued child, after all) = causes Oreb to=20 hide on top of cupboard, where Silk discovers him/her. Henceforward the = bird,=20 previously a terrified animal, becomes a companion with a personality -=20 childlike in many ways.Why does the repellant Scylla become = likeable=20 within Oreb? Because she is with Silk, who of course "brings out the = best" in=20 many repellant characters - Auk, Hyacinth, Pig etc - at least while = he is=20 with them. Horn's judgements of Scylla (perhaps she would = grow out of=20 it) and Oreb (a nasty, mangy creature) at the very end of = the tale are=20 germane.The Scylla who possesses Chenille is a = different=20 proposition. I interpret this Scylla as a "backup" personality, cached = before=20 Pas' resurgence, and therefore unchastened and "un-Silked", seeking to = return=20 now to Mainfram to "reintegrate". Or do I have I crocked this up=20 completely?------=_NextPart_000_0371_01C1E728.6E1BFA80--