From: "James Wynn"Subject: (urth) Marbles hands and Oz magic Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 09:49:08 -0600 Roy wrote: Ah. [the quote] from when Marble was killing Musk, LS3: 3. "Her hands, the bony blue-veined hands of an elderly bio, glowed crimson in the flames." As for the rest . . . I'll save it for another day. But do you really think that Hammerstone fell in 'love' with a chem "girl" he described as "pretty as a picture", who had hands that looked like the bony blue-veined hands of an elderly bio? Crush responds: Whenever is fine. :) In answer to your question, no, I don't believe Moly had hands like that. I don't believe any chem had hands like that. That's what is troubling, because as you surely remember, Marble only inherited ONE hand (by my reading) from Rose. Remember Marble's conversation with Blood at the end of LS3? Talking about the times Rose would come and visit him as a child, he notes that (quoting from memory) "One time you came with a hand like that one." Then Marble notes "it *was* this one." So now we're left with the question of how *both* Marble's hands looked that way during the sacrifice of Musk. As you know, I've been inclined to believe that there were limits to what the gods could do with their possessed hosts. The passage you've quoted *seems* to suggest that there is very little they can't do. If Echidna could so dramatically transform Marble's metal flesh to exhibit a more Echidna-like appearance, what can't they do? At this time (and I don't have the books with me) this sounds Wolfean "Oz Magic" as it seems to be called around here. I'd like to hear ANY other opinion to explain Marble's hands. --- Crush --