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Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 13:27:30 -0800 (PST)
From: Tami Whitehead 
Subject: Re: (urth) Sign from the fish's belly

--- Josh Geller  wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Tami Whitehead wrote:
> > --- Josh Geller 
> wrote:
> >> On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Tami Whitehead wrote:
> >>> But the theological twist on Jonah is, as you
> >>> alluded in your post, a resistance to God's will
> >>> on Jonah's part. He heard the call to prophecy
> to
> >>> his enemies, and like many prophets, did not
> want
> >>>  to go [...]
> >> Mostly for health reasons.
> > Jonah pleaded ill health[....]
> This is not exactly what I was getting at.
> If you, an ordinary person, go and stand in front of
> a King and tell
> him that he is forbidden from doing something he
> wants to do (for
> instance), or go to an enemy country and stand up in
> the public
> marketplace and stand up and tell all passersby what
> horrible people
> they are, your life is likely to end swiftly and
> painfully.

Yes, Josh, I got that, and I agree, it is a strong
deterent. I merely point out the other reasons as
well. I merely point out that there is more than one
reason to rebell, as it were. Then there are those
prophets who dig it, and more power to them. God calls
us all in different ways, one could say, and we all
respond to that call differently, according to the
situation, both inwardly and outwardly. But yes,
certainly, fear of death or other reprisal is
definately a valid concern. 

> .
> -- 
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