From: "Andrew Bollen"Subject: Re: (urth) Sign from the fish's belly Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 12:38:42 +1100 Nutria writes: > > Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh, because of the prophecy in > Deuteronomy that if God's people provoke Him with "no-gods" (idols), He > will provoke them by going over to another people ("no-people"). God > announcement to Jonah was an announcement that He was fed up with Israel, > and was going to go over to these gentiles. Jonah, as one who loved his own > people, did not want to see this happen. [snippety] > So careful > expositors don't usually say that Jonah hated the Assyrians, but that he > understood that his call to go there was a judgment on his own people. Thanks, Nutria - I now undertand Jonah's rather odd testiness over God sparing the Ninevites. > Perhaps closer to the actual events: Horn dies and is resurrected, > and then goes not to anywhere on Blue but to Green. What does he do on > Green, but clean out the city there (Nineveh, a gentile city - ?). Does > this correspond in Lupine thought to evangelism of the city, cleansing it? > Who benefits from it? (A good question: Who does? I'm not sure I know.) I think the whole of Green, and Blue also, benefit from cleansing the city on Green. Just as a practical matter, it's the inhumi's main center. From there, they launch their raids on human settlements, using human slaves bound by the hostage lives of their children etc (as was the case for Auk and Chenille.) I'd suspect, also, that it may contain technology useul to humans. (See SilkHorn's comments about the possible rewards from digging in places like Inclito's house etc.) Perhaps more importantly, the cleansing is a demonstration of what can be achieved when humans work together, rather than remaining fragmented. > Now, in the gospels, the sign of Jonah is a sign to the Jews. That > is, that the reception of the resurrected Jesus by gentiles is a sign to > the Jews that they'd better get on board. In what way is Horn's work on > Green (Nineveh Gentiles) a sign to people on Blue (Jews)? Maybe that if > they don't shape up, if they don't learn the wisdom that the > double-resurrected Silkhorn brings them, they'll wind up like the city on > Green? Or something else? This may indeed be the case, but my reading is a little more general & positive. I think it speaks of a very fast, very comprehensive turn to righteousness, even by those not of the Vironese faith, all over Blue (and Green). SilkHorn does indeed achieve this in Gaon (if we believe the description of Gaon given to Inclito by an ex-mercenary of the Rajan's - nice place, nobody steals etc etc), in Blanko, in Dorp, and I believe in New Viron as well. As the conclusion of RTTW, BlazingStar, the best of the New Vironese oligarchy, is calde. Daisy looks at the departing Whorl through a telescope, which indicates either a growth in local manufacture (at the beginning of OBW, New Viron mines lead, but does not grind lenses) and/or trade (Dorp grinds lenses). I don't think this last point should be dismissed lightly; I think in Wolfe's mind, righteousness is congruent with good order, which in turn is congruent with things like ease of trade & travel. Witness many comments to this effect throughout SS, and especially the practical significance of the Dorp "cleansing". Of course, it would be impossible for a mere unaided human to achieve all this in a couple of years, and SilkHorn's success is surely due to divine aid & inspiration. So I would read the Marble's prophecy as foretelling success, and not so much as a warning. The divine intervention will be in the form to a hero/judge/prophet divinely inspired with the charisma, wisdom & efficacy to cause righteousness & inspire the people to its pursuit, and not in the form of Pas-ish epiphanies, or Mother magic. --