From: "James Wynn"Subject: (urth) Rape and Misogyny in Wolfe Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 13:01:49 -0500 I feeling pretty dense right now since I can think of only one rape in my reading of Wolfe right now: the infamous act by Severian on the semi-conscious Jolenta. I'm tracing my memory for any others and I just can't come up with any others -- I recently re-read tFHoC and I don't recall a rape of a female slave. I for one would appreciate a listing of the rapes -- particularly any "Rape as Salvation" events (the Jolenta one does not apply IMO). Also, it has been frequently reference that Wolfe exhibits misogyny. I've yet to encounter it (and notice it -- which may be revealing about me). I'm curious what other readers have read in Wolfe that they consider to be misogynistic. Possibly it is in works I've yet to read. As a premtive shot, I don't consider the Trivigaunti to an example of misogyny. Trivigaunte does not seem to be anymore distopian than Viron which is quite machismotic -- and we are constantly reminded that men aren't treated any worse there than women are in Viron. --- Crush --