Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 13:39:06 -0500 Subject: (urth) Wolfe at Readercon From: Adam StephanidesIn the archives to HogBlog (http://www.koschei.net/blog/ July 15, 2003), I came across the following description of Wolfe's talk on Catholicism and SF at Readercon: "Gene Wolfe gave a very spirited account of the influence of redemption on his work; no-one, not even a villain, is beyond redemption. No-one, he says, goes around in life thinking 'I'm a bad person.' He then launched into an improvised impersonation of an actual bad person, in the course of which I began seriously to wonder if he was going to punch through the floor with his cane." Unfortunately, that's all the detail it gives. --Adam --