From: m.driussi@genie.com Subject: (whorl) viz's Whorlography Date: Mon, 5 May 97 05:24:00 GMT [Posted from WHORL, the mailing list for Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun] Reply: Item #0057628 from WHORL@LISTS.BEST.COM@INET01# vizcacha, I agree with your model except for the part about Viron being in the middle--don't you think it is closer to the East end of the cylinder? I always got that impression, but maybe that's just because the East Pole has a name (Main Frame) and can be seen. To corroborate with the rest: Using a different approach that I outlined earlier, if we assume an average distance between cities of 30 leagues (90 miles), we can assign/guestimate how many cities are on a one-strip segment of circumference (seems like five cities would be a minimum here, since that would allow for one known neighbor city on either side of a given city and two nameless sky cities above) and then go the length of the cylinder. So if a ring of five cities (5 x 30 leagues = 150 leagues circumference), then the length would have to be at least 40 cities (40 x 30 = 1200 leagues) to meet the "couple hundred" cities mark (literally and minimally). This particular example gives an asteroid with a diameter of 143 miles . . . but it is 3,600 miles long! (So okay, let's increase the cities on the circumference to 24, turning the whole whorl into a big sundial! 24 cities x 30 leagues = 720 leagues circ.; 9 cities x 30 leagues = 270 leagues length.) ("Pencil" and "fruit cup can"?) Probably something in between. Obviously the figures are bigger if we use 50 leagues (the distance between Viron and Palustria) as the average. =mantis=