From: Jim Jordan <jbjordan@gnt.net> Subject: Re: (whorl) Cordwainer Smith Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 15:35:53 [Posted from WHORL, the mailing list for Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun] The New England SF Association publishes two volumes containing all of Cordwainer Smith. Both nicely bound hardcovers, with annotations. I sell them, so if you don't want to track them down, you can order them from me: Complete Short Stories: $25.00 Norstrilia ("novel"): $21.00 shipping: $4.00 James B. Jordan Box 1096 Niceville, FL 32588 As for what to read first, it depends on where your interest lies. I personally suggest getting both books and reading the stories in chronological order, according to the time-line provided. If Christianity is your main interest, you can start with his trilogy of long stories: "On the Gem Planet" (which is a "mirror for princes," and concerns "nature"); "On the Wind Planet" (which concerns redemption, "grace"); and "On the Sand Planet" (which concerns pilgrimage from Egypt to Eden, and is based on Dante and Bunyan). An introductory essay on Smith by yours truly is at: http://www.wavefront.com/~Contra_M/cm/features/cm02_cordwain.html Nutria