From: Derek Bell <dbell@maths.tcd.ie> Subject: Re: (whorl) Re: Digest whorl.v009.n005 Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 21:10:20 +0000 In message <199811021653.IAA28654@lists1.best.com>, Alex David Groce writes: > Yes. Clearly the whole system has been designed by Typhon to keep >useful technology out of the cargo's hands--not that Typhon did such a hot >job... I think Typhon had more than one motive for giving the cargo lower tech - control is the obvious one, but it might also give them an advantage if things go badly on the destination planet. A lot of knowledge and skills that were relatively common a century or two ago (horseriding, blacksmithing) are scarcer now. They still exist, but if some emergency occured that wiped out the infrastructure (a large, protracted non-nuclear war), it would take longer to get back to the level of technology than if the skills hadn't been cultivated. Put it another way, the Amish *may* be Y2K insurance policy! :-) >It's easy to imagine a program that the Chems can run but can't >consciously access--they can "do it", but are made so they can't >figure out how they do it. Put it another way - describe how to walk - in detail. Now try to build a two-legged robot that walks like a human. >I mean, people can have kids, but for most of history, if you'd taken >two people aside and said--"When you have sex and out comes a kid, >how does that work? I'm thinking of using hearts for power packs on >my new catapults," well you get the picture. ;-) I have this image of sex manuals for chems - or would that be in firmware? Tercel *This is WHORL, for discussion of Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.moonmilk.com/whorl/ *To leave the list, send "unsubscribe" to whorl-request@lists.best.com *If it's Wolfe but not Long Sun, please use the URTH list: urth@lists.best.com