From: Michael Andre-Driussi <mantis@sirius.com> Subject: (whorl) [Blue notes, spoilers, etc.] Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 20:28:41 Well, what a novel! My first impressions: Horn is a Greek hero, mostly Odyesseus. How wonderful! I suppose I might have anticipated this, with all the Greco-Roman grounding of the Long Sun, but that series had a gloss of Father Brown modernism. Visiting the witch; insisting upon hearing the song of the siren; feeding cow blood to "the dead" for tricks and treats. Taking an eye from an ancient woman, that's Perseus. The letter of summons to the lander reminds me quite strongly of the Letter from Prestor John to the Pope. And as in that case, there is much speculation on where the kingdom is located--it has =moved= over the centuries! (But in the beginning it was thought to be on the . . . Silk Road!) The inclusion/intrusion of TBOTLS within the tale reminds me strongly of the second part of DON QUIXOTE, where similar things happen. Rather than THE 1001 ARABIAN NIGHTS, where there is tale-within-tale-within-tale, but nobody ever says, hey, I read about you in ARABIAN NIGHTS, or hey, buy my book. I, too, felt a very Vancean current to ON BLUE'S WATERS; and I, too, felt that it was a different one than the DYING EARTH . . . but what, then? Perhaps it is the more "paranoid" Vancean science fiction, like the Durdane trilogy (which has secret alien invaders and a bad ride in starship to alien world where humans end up as slaves) mixed with a bit of NOPALGARTH (where invisible aliens ride humans like psionic vampires, iirc). I think it is something more than just the fairytale "hero sets out on seemingly doomed quest" thing, which Vance often uses as well; it is something more Vancean than just fairytale logic or plot. Ah, the Horn who is writing (aka "the Rajan of Gaon") is one eyed and white haired, like Odin. But he also has a hurt ankle, is sometimes confused with Silk by others (just because he's wearing the clothes, walking the walk, talking the talk <g>), often confuses the names of his own twins ("Horn [sic] and Hide") as well as writing of Horn in the third person, and even, in the very end, says that =he= caught the ball (at the beginning of TBOTLS)! He =is= Silk, in some as-yet-unspecified way. Not to mention the intriguing "Passilk"! (An interesting aside: the twins Hoof and Hide have names that form a semi-canting phrase meaning "run away and conceal yourself"!) Must read again before too long. *This is WHORL, for discussion of Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.moonmilk.com/whorl/ *To leave the list, send "unsubscribe" to whorl-request@lists.best.com *If it's Wolfe but not Long Sun, please use the URTH list: urth@lists.best.com