From: Doug Eigsti <douge@nti.com> Subject: (whorl) Proper Names List 1.1 Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 08:08:43 Dan Rabin, Thanks for taking the time to check the Proper Names list. I will amend my notes. I have another correction to post: "Molybdenum" is on the list. It has been omitted. Here is the updated list: *** UNLISTED PROPER NAMES IN THE TEXT OF GENE WOLFE'S ON BLUE'S WATERS NAME / DESCRIPTION / PAGE.PARAGRAPH Calf / Horn's brother. / 74.-1 Cognizance, His / Honorific title of the Prolocutor Quetzal. / 42.2 Dace, Captain / Boat Captain on Lake Limna. / 163.3 Daisy / Resident of the village of Lizard. Co-publisher of the book, with Vadsig, Hoof and Hide. / 26.-5, 129.-3 Horn / Name of the Neighbor that talks with Horn, the man / 272.4, 274.3 Hound / Boy at the Sun street Mantion. / 379.-2 Incus, Patera / Assistant to the Prolocutor in Old Viron. / 97.3 Juganu / Inhumi exhumated by the Rajan of Gaon to fight in the war with Han. / 376.3 Magnesia / "Magnesia" was her (Marble's) original name; she assumed "Molybdenum" in order to win Hammerstone. / 37.6 Maker, The / Wijzer's name for The Outsider. / 115.5 Marl / Slave in Viron. / 100.2 Molpe / A major goddess, one of the Nine. / 139.-1, 228.2 Mura / Town on the Main contenent of Blue. / 115.1 Oosik / Generalissimo. / 303.-1 Passilk / The entity of Pas merged with Silk. / 369.-6 Prolocutor / Title of the leader of the Vironese faith. / 29.-3 Shrike / A butcher, husband of Scleroderma. Also an aquaintance of Marrow. / 39.-1 Smoothbone / Horn's father. Ink maker. / 79.2 Sphigx / A major goddess, one of the Nine. / 289.-3 Tail Bay / Natural bay on the SE end of Lizard Island. / 20.4 Teasel / Young girl bitten by the Inhumu Quetzal. / 261.2 Tuz / Krait's victim. / 373.2 Vadsig / Co-publisher of the book, with Daisy, Hoof and Hide. / 129.-3 =Talon= *This is WHORL, for discussion of Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.moonmilk.com/whorl/ *To leave the list, send "unsubscribe" to whorl-request@lists.best.com *If it's Wolfe but not Long Sun, please use the URTH list: urth@lists.best.com