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From: William Ansley <wansley@warwick.net>
Subject: Re: (whorl) Inhumi Secret
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 22:31:36 

At 8:06 PM -0500 8/9/00, Jim Jordan wrote:
>	I submit for your consideration that the secret is that men 
>must die for
>the inhumi.


You know, I really like this idea. It seems somehow very right. The 
only problem with it is that I really find it hard to see how Horn 
could have used it as a credible threat against the inhumi. They seem 
to have a pretty realistic idea of what humans are capable of, so I 
don't know why they would be at all worried about Horn telling this 
fact to anyone else. And way would anyone else believe it?

Frankly, after reading IGJ, I no longer believe that Wolfe has any 
intention of directly revealing the secret of the inhumi in the last 
book, so we will probably be able to keep up this guessing game 

William Ansley
William Ansley

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