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From: akt@attglobal.net
Subject: (whorl) Re: Digest whorl.v011.n041
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 13:40:49 

> From: "Endymion9" <endymion9@mindspring.com>
> p.37  When Fava asks Incanto to play the game he says not if it
> certain physical activities.  Fava responds "Oh, I can't run."
> p.45 Mora's Story (The GIant's Daughter).  Mora says one girl was good
> running and jumping (Mora?).  One girl was good at math and
> (Fava?).
> Question:  How can an inhuma be good at composition, writing with a
> tool?  I've seen examples of inhumi absorbing personalities, does this
> they can absorb abilities (composition in the common tongue) also?

Yes, I noticed this too; I put it down to authorial slip-up. She is good
at story-telling, though, thus composition in the larger sense.

> p.59  Scylla talks through Oreb saying "Help me!"  Who later says
> out!"  Oreb?  Another rider.  My question is how much personality is
> Oreb's?  Is it only when he says things like "Fish heads?"  since that
> obviously isn't a rider.  Rider's aren't concerned about the body's
> needs re:Chenille's sunburn.  Also "No Cut" is obviously Oreb's
> But can Oreb think to the level of "watch out?" on his own?

Scylla isn't riding Oreb here. The voice crying "Help me" is in Horn's
dream; she haunts his dreams, as he tells us many times. The voice is
precisely like Oreb's, but that is true with dream voices. We have no
actual proof that Oreb says anything but "Watch out!" Not only have we
seen (and heard) him utter warnings before, Horn actually comments that
he "so often does" on this page.

I admit that this argument is somewhat weakened by "The Night Chough,"
which I will mail tomorrow. I kept forgetting to take it to the office
last week--sorry.

> p,60  Incanto says inhumi do not like to use tools or use them
> Once again how can Fava write then?
> p.63 "What did you want with your brother?" the man of the Vanished
> asked him.  And he said that he had hoped to bury the corpse and pray
> the dead man's spirit.  "So I feared..."
> Why did the Neighbor fear that Horn would try to do this??

Hmm. Horn's task is to work as quickly as possible to clear the sewer in
a rough, even brutal fashion; there is no time for burying and praying.
I think that is all the Neighbor means.


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