From: BraveSaintCroix@aol.com Subject: (whorl) more RTTW questions Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 20:03:37 EST Finished RTTW today and after that spent the evening catching up on posts on this list. Most of the quiestions I had were answered, or at least touched on, but I have a few that I thought didn't get enough attention. 1. Who was the man in a colorless robe on the top of the platue on Green with Jahlee? It was when Horn went back to search for her in the tower and ended up climbing the cliff and getting attacked by inhumi. And what happened up there? When I first read "colorless robe" I thought of the fuligin cloak of the turturers. 2. What do you think of Horn being an inhumu? I think the evidence Wolfe gives is too much to ignore. The fact that he hardly ever eats bothered me all through the book, especially when Hoof said he often pretended to eat and that the inhumu in the boat with them ate some potato soup. Also, Horn says something about a possible way he got to Green without an inhumu present that he didn't want to think about. There is definitely something there we're not seeing. That's all for now. More to say, but I've been online too long. -Steve PS: Say what you may, my vote is that RTTW was AWESOME. *This is WHORL, for discussion of Gene Wolfe's Book of the Long Sun. *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.moonmilk.com/whorl/ *To leave the list, send "unsubscribe" to whorl-request@lists.best.com *If it's Wolfe but not Long Sun, please use the URTH list: urth@lists.best.com