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From: James Jordan <jbjordan4@home.com>
Subject: (whorl) Chrasmo Writings
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 10:29:56 

	Way back at the beginning of all this I provided a long list of gospel 
parallels for the story of Silk. Of course, that's Wolfe's doing. But since 
Horn and Nettle wrote TBLS, and since much of it is pious invention to one 
degree or another, it follows that either (a) it is an accident that the 
Silk story parallels the story of Jesus, or (b) that Horn and Nettle had a 
version of the story of Jesus before them as they wrote TBLS, and 
deliberately crafted Silk as a kind of new messiah. If the latter, which 
seems likely, this means that some version/s of the gospel/s are included 
in the Chrasmo Writings -- which I guess we should expect, but which is 
nowhere made explicit.
	Food for thought, or controversy.

Patera Nutria

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