Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 20:28:51 -0500 From: Jeff WilsonSubject: Re: (urth) Some problems if the Pancreator/Outsider is theHoly > From: James Jordan [mailto:jbjordan4@cox.net] > JJ: This universe that you sought in Briah are part of it. Is that our > universe? Or is that a universe that resurrected saints have set up in the > world to come as part of the cities that they made? > GW: No. I thought of it as a long past universe. Something that we are > repeating rather than something that we are. > > http://www.op.net/~pduggan/gwjbj3.html > > That was my source. Well yes, =Yesod= is a previous universe, an extension of one, or at the very least, a place settled by refugees from one according to Mantiss. -- Jeff Wilson How Am I Posting? 1-800-555-6789 "If your SecOp can see you, so can the enemy." -Cpt Law --